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Minimizer Video Blog #81

[su_youtube url=”” width=”1600″ height=”1600″] It’s Election Day, so please allow us to say … get out and vote! Specifically, vote Minimizer!  😉

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Minimizer Video Blog #80

Happy Halloween from all of us at Minimizer! This week’s video blog features a sneak peek at our new Tool Box installation video. [su_youtube url=”” width=”1600″ height=”1600″]

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Minimizer Video Blog #79

Minimizer has launched a new training program aimed at our distributors. How does this help our end-users? Find out in this week’s video blog! [su_youtube url=”” width=”1600″ height=”1600″]

Minimizer Video Blog #77

It’s time for yet ANOTHER new Minimizer product! No, it’s not out just yet, but this week’s video blog gives you a sneak peek! [su_youtube url=”” width=”1600″ height=”1600″]

Minimizer Video Blog #76

Want to find out if we have Floor Mats for your truck? It’s super easy … just listen to CEO Craig Kruckeberg. [su_youtube url=”” width=”1600″ height=”1600″]