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Minimizer shipping is quicker and more accurate than ever

Product is packaged for shipping before hitting the truck. Blooming Prairie, MN October 2015 – Minimizer’s shipping numbers are so good that its customers will soon get their Tested and Tortured products faster than ever before. Minimizer CEO Craig Kruckeberg announced his company is switching from a five-day shipping window to a four-day shipping window. “We’ve been shipping on time more than 99 percent of the time,” Kruckeberg said. “We need to challenge ourselves.” Minimizer Read more…

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Minimizer Video Blog #23

Great story in this week’s Minimizer Video Blog! Check out paralyzed racer Justin Hamel’s Tortured truck ride and find out what the Nebraska native is up to nowadays! [su_youtube url=”” width=”1600″ height=”1600″]