Minimizer has endured and thrived for 30 years because of vision, perseverance and innovation. The passion Minimizer demonstrates for living up to its reputation for being a leader in the heavy-duty trucking industry was recently honored at the Twin Cities Business 2014 Small Business Success Stories Awards on Jan. 20, 2015.

Twin Cities Business, a leading provider of business news, holds its awards annually and honors Minnesota’s top ten small businesses for their notable achievements. Minimizer CEO and Chief Visionary, Craig Kruckeberg, was honored for the company’s growth and marketing prowess. View the company profile video.

Kruckeberg graciously accepted the award and thanked the talented team at Minimizer. “We have a bright future ahead of us at Minimizer. We will continue to grow, innovate and manufacture the most tested and tortured brand in the heavy-duty trucking industry,” said Kruckeberg.
